
Below please find the 荣誉项目 Classes for the semester. 你可以看看我们全年可能提供哪些荣誉课程,以便为你的学位要求做一些未来的计划.


课程# Class
ENG -101 h 英语作文I
eng - 102 h 英语写作II
eng - 282 h 美国文学荣誉II
他的-101小时 荣誉世界文明I
亩- 101 h 音乐欣赏
phl - 131 h 伦理学导论
小组- 101 h 基础心理学

ENG 101H – 英语作文I.
这门荣誉课程使学生熟悉说明文写作的惯例. 它提供清晰的培训, logical communication and encour年龄s the student to read, 分析, 讨论, 和写. 英语作文I的“实质”是作文:学生学习所选文章的内容和修辞,并用良好的修辞形式写出深思熟虑地发展自己思想的文章.
(Required for almost every degree we offer; Communication General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

ENG 102H: 英语写作II
英语作文102, the second semester of a two-semester general education course, develops the student's ability to read 和写, building on the foundation of English Composition 101. 为此目的, 首先是对英语作文101的主题和术语的复习,这是一次快速而严格的复习, 既不是试图重新教授主题,也不是练习教授基本的编辑技巧——为学生准备更具挑战性的阅读和写作英语作文102. The reading assignments represent the best writing in English, 既体现在写作质量上,也体现在内容的质量和复杂性上. All writing assignments are based on these readings. 本课程强调议论文写作,培养学生的议论文修辞能力. 它还培养学生的研究技能和使用原始材料的能力.
(Required for almost every degree we offer; Communication General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

ENG 282H – 美国文学荣誉II
《全球网络赌博平台》是对1860年至今的美国文学名著的研究. The course 分析s the major social, 意识形态, and literary trends that contributed 呈现 day American life. 学生将阅读作家的作品,如狄金森、吐温、詹姆斯、艾略特、海明威和福克纳.
(Literature General Education Elective, Humanities General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

HIS 101H – 荣誉世界文明I
介绍世界上从古代到公元前的主要文化.1500 C.E. 在非洲, 亚洲, 欧洲, 和拉丁美洲, this course will 分析 these cultures in their political, 经济, 还有宗教方面, 还将反映全球赌博十大网站妇女在社会中的作用的最新信息. 本课程的目标是让学生更好地理解为什么世界是今天的样子, 培养学生分析当代和历史社会及其制度组成部分的必要技能, 并培养对外国文化和社会的认识,以便对我们自己的文化假设和传统提出新的观点.

(这取决于你的学位, this course can be used as a History General Education Elective, Humanities General Education Elective, 文科选修, Diversity Elective or 自由选修)

MUS 101H – 音乐欣赏
本选修课是一门针对非音乐专业学生的感知听力课程. 从基础开始, 以一种使学生能够理解艺术的方式向学生介绍音乐聆听, 它的词汇, 以及它的技巧. The music used is from the Renaissance through the 20th century. Outside concert attendance is required
文科通识教育选修课, Humanities General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

PHL 131H – 伦理学导论
本课程要求学生阅读介绍主要伦理理论的第一手资料, 经典与现代兼备. 然后,学生将分析当代文章,这些文章提供了全球赌博十大网站道德困境的相反观点,例如:安乐死, 反歧视行动, 色情, 堕胎, 世界饥饿, 死刑, 等. This course is not to be taken by students who have taken PHL-232, Biomedical Ethics; credit will not be given for both courses.
(Ethics General Education Elective, Humanities General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

PSY 101H – 基础心理学
这门入门课程涵盖了行为和心理过程的主要原理和科学研究. Topics include history and schools of psychology, 心理学职业, 研究方法与伦理, biological foundations of behavior, 感觉和知觉, 学习的基本原则, 思考, 内存, 语言, 情报, 动机, 情感, 个性, 社会行为, 精神障碍, 和治疗方法.


课程# Class
chm - 140 h 化学与社会荣誉
eng - 102 h 世界文学荣誉
他的- 102 h 荣誉世界文明II
m - 140 h 荣誉微积分I
phl - 232 h 生物医学伦理学荣誉
soc - 101 h 社会学概论
spe - 102 h 公共演讲荣誉

CHM 140H: 化学与社会荣誉
This course is designed for non-science majors. 本课程将介绍化学的一些基本概念,并向学生介绍实验室实验. Interesting chemistry topics will be considered with regard to their social, 环境和经济问题. Discussion topics may include: air pollution, the ozone layer and the impact of 技术 on global warming; alternative energy sources, 比如太阳能, nuclear and biomass processes; water pollution; nutrition; the mechanism of action of various drugs, and other topics based on student interest and instructor expertise. Fundamental chemistry topics to be 讨论ed include: experimental measurements; atomic structure, atom properties and the periodic table; bonding, structure and reactivity; the solid, liquid and gaseous states; stoichiometry of chemical reactions; properties of solutions; rates of chemical reaction and catalysis; oxidation-reduction and acid-base reactions; pH; synthetic and natural polymers, including biopolymers such as proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids; and electrochemistry.
(Satisfies the lab science requirement for all AA degrees; Science General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

ENG 102H: 英语写作II
英语作文102, the second semester of a two-semester general education course, develops the student's ability to read 和写, building on the foundation of English Composition 101. 为此目的, 首先是对英语作文101的主题和术语的复习,这是一次快速而严格的复习, 既不是试图重新教授主题,也不是练习教授基本的编辑技巧——为学生准备更具挑战性的阅读和写作英语作文102. The reading assignments represent the best writing in English, 既体现在写作质量上,也体现在内容的质量和复杂性上. All writing assignments are based on these readings. 本课程强调议论文写作,培养学生的议论文修辞能力. 它还培养学生的研究技能和使用原始材料的能力.
(Required for almost every degree we offer; Communication General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

ENG 271H: 世界文学荣誉
Masterpieces of literature representative of various epochs, 民族, 从古代到16世纪的文学体裁是这门课的核心. 《全球网络赌博平台》探讨了《全球网络赌博平台》等作品中人与世界和神的关系, 的奥义书, 荷马的史诗, 古希腊戏剧, 维吉尔的《全球网络赌博平台》, 李白和杜甫的诗, 但丁的地狱篇.
(多样性, Literature and Humanities General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

HIS 102H: 荣誉世界文明II
This course is an introduction to the major cultures of the world from c.1500 C.E. 呈现.
(这取决于你的学位, this course can be used as a History General Education Elective, Humanities General Education Elective, 文科选修, Diversity Elective or a 自由选修)

MTH 140H:荣誉微积分
This is the first course of the calculus sequence intended for science, 技术, 工程, 数学专业的学生. Topics covered include: limits and continuity of functions, 代数的微分, 和超越函数, 导数的应用, anti-代数的微分 和超越函数.

PHL 232H: 生物医学伦理学荣誉
课程的前三分之一将致力于历史研究几种伦理理论试图回答我们如何决定我们应该做什么的问题.e., what does it mean to “do the right thing”? 本课程的剩余时间将用于阅读和分析一些文章,这些文章对生物医学伦理学中的困难情况提出了不同的观点,即我们应该做什么或不应该做什么. For example: is euthanasia ever permissible? 诊所是否有义务为没有医疗保险的痛苦患者提供服务? Should a nurse treat a critically ill patient who, 因为生病, is unable to give consent for a procedure? Should animals be used for medical research? What is the appropriate use for genetic information about an individual? As we address these and other similar issues, emphasis will be placed on close reading of the text and on class 讨论ion.
(Ethics General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)

SOC 101H: 社会学概论
Sociology is the scientific study of human societies and social interaction. This course provides an overview of the discipline of sociology, 包括社会学概念, 方法, 视角, 以及实质性的调查领域. 特别强调的是社会学对理解日常生活和时事的贡献.

SPE 102H:公共演讲荣誉
公开演讲介绍了正式交流的原则和技巧. Attention will be given to speaker - listener relationships, 管理和选择的想法, selection and organization of materials, and use of 语言 and nonverbal elements. 将特别注意说服和交付技巧的原则和技巧以及听众分析. Formal presentations will be required.
(Required for AA degrees; Communication General Education Elective, 文科选修, 自由选修)